Sunday, August 19, 2012

Latest find on pinterest

Makeup tips! Holy crap I need this...she doesn't even look like the same girl!  The blog tells you what products she used ...all stuff you can get at target inexpensive.

Looking through various pins, I found this one that had loads of makeup tips.
As I continue to grow and change I realize that I'm beginning to like the befores in makeovers better than the afters. It just...
I don't know. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy makeup from time to time. What I don't enjoy is when girls put their self worth in creating a "better" version of themselves through man made products.
"I need makeup." Lies, women. Lies!
It's taken me years to believe this. Now that I have, I don't want to go back to the way I was. Security trumps feeling insecure by my brown lashes and less than perfect skin tone.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cinnamon Sugar Biscotti

Beginning to come to the realization that I will not become a famous blogger, but that's okay. If I have any followers, you guys rock! For those who don't read my quirky posts, you guys are missing out. But, you'll never know it because YOU DON'T READ MY BLOG.

It just turned August and a part of me is already craving autumn. The scents, the colors, the clothes.. I love it. So, when today turned out to be overcast and the theme for tomorrow's young adult group is could I not cross something off my baking bucket list and make my own biscotti?

This was SO easy to make.

It even looks and tastes like the real deal. Needless to say, I've very pleased. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In between crafts

Much to my surprise (and relief) since I've been more busy I haven't taken the time to try something new from Pinterest yet. There are some things I'm dying to try. All I need is to pick up some fabric dye and a white t-shirt. Maybe that one I'll have a few friends come over we'll have a little crafting party!

That's all, folks. Enjoy the sunshine!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

DIY Tank Top from a old shirt

After seeing a friend of mine turn a unisex t-shirt from Vacation Bible School into a snazzy little tank top, it gave me the courage to try it myself. However, as what has become a huge problem with most of my creative moments, I was impatient and didn't try to get the right materials. 
Also, I tried a different style than she did so it doesn't look the same at all.
As this blog says, all you need is an old shirt, scissors and a pencil to mark where to cut.

Well, I didn't use a pencil. That would have really come to my advantage since I apparently possess the cutting skills of a 5 year old and don't know how to cut straight free style very well. Jeez, what did I learn from all the crafts I did in Kindergarten? Anyway, I did one thing right. 

I got an old t-shirt.

I cut the sleeves and neckline.
Then cut it more, but didn't take a pic cause I was too busy concentrating on trying not to mess up completely. 
Le front, very ragged from dull scissors.
Ugh. Did I really just take a pic of myself in a mirror? 
Yeah, totally did. 

Overall, it's super easy to do. I just need to take some time in the morning to trim off all the ragged edges and tie it tighter in the back. 

 Note to self: buy scissors that are made to cut fabric. 
Also, your cell phone will never take as high quality pictures as you want it to because it's probably dying. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The World's Best Dinner Rolls

Found this recipe on "A Rosie Sweet Home"

A Rosie Sweet Home: The World Best Dinner Rolls Recipe
*Pant pant* 

I could not get them off my mind.For the next several days I talked about them to my family. Finally, my Dad bought me the flour I needed in order to make them.He's too good to me!

There's a small chance I didn't add enough flour cause I sort of lost count.The recipe called for 9 cups! And in my defense, I was homeschooled for about 8 years of my life.

Sneakin a peek when it was rising for 2 hours

                                              If I can fit everything I used in one bowl, I'm satisfied.
                                               I discovered I LOVE painting with butter. In fact, I'm really good at it.
                                            All rolled up and ready to go
I think Martha Stewart would be proud.

                                                   A pile of bread makes my heart do blackflips

Did mine look exactly like the blog's picture? Nope. But, I also skipped a step and didn't freeze the rolls and let them thaw for 5 hours to double their size. So...yeah.I think they would have been a bit softer if I had been patient. However, they accomplished their goal of supplying me with bread. Can life get any better than that?

DIY Map Nails

Overall Experience: Dumb.

So awesome!1. Paint your nails white/cream  2. Soak nails in alcohol for five minutes  3. Press nails to map and hold  4. Paint with clear protectant immediately after it dries.

The traveler in me really liked these nails.Not to mention it only required a few ingredients, all of which I had in my possession.

Nails painted a nude color

A map

                                                                     Rubbing alcohol
 Soak the nails for 5 minutes in alcohol, then press on map until dry.

                                                                      The result

Truth be told, I was not a happy camper. I spent a good amount of time trying to make it work with nothing to show from it (besides a headache from smelling the alcohol for a half hour).But, that's what these tests are for! I decided to cut out a nail sized portion of the map, coat my thumb nails in clear polish, and put the map on while it was still wet.Afterwards, I put nearly a billion coats of clear polish over it. We'll see how that works.

Cool guy fist
If anyone can tell me what would work better, please tell me. Obviously I'm still new to this DIY stuff so any feed back would be appreciated.

Monday, July 2, 2012

DIY: Custom Repaired Toms

Overall Experience: Not half bad!

For my last birthday I received a pair of my very own Toms.Nothing fancy like the sparkly ones or with some awesome pattern.Just the classic gray canvas.Oh,we had many good experiences together.Several walks,special engagements,and they were even on my feet when I climbed a rock climbing wall for the first time.They served me well until they got worn and began exposing my feet to elements of the harsh,cold weather that a Pacific Northwest spring can bring.There's no picture to document it,but my big toe was completely exposed.It was then I knew something needed to be done."What can I do?" I said as I gazed at my unsightly toe."I'm not a cobbler!What can I do to a worn-out pair of shoes?" 
Then I came across this pin.

DIY: custom repaired TOMS

Originally pinned from Under the Sycamore ( I found the perfect way to bring life back to my shoes. 

Equipment needed accorded to the blog: 
  • TOMS with holes from your big ole’ big toes
  • Semi-thick fabric that already has a hemmed edge (I used an apron I got for $1.00 at a flea market, I also opted for dark fabric so it stays clean looking longer)
  • Iron-on denim patch (the kind for holes in jeans)
  • Sewing glue (or fabric glue)
  • A really good pair of scissors
Equipment I used:
  • Cruddy pair of TOMS 
  • A tee shirt I had that was too small for my "womanly figure"
  • A piece of tape 
  • A hot glue gun with several glue sticks
  • Dull scissors.
I was absolutely in love with the fabric Ashley used,but since I'm too impatient to actually wait for something I love I decided to cut up an old tee shirt I had. 

But I didn't have very sharp scissors so it was very jagged.

I had no plan. I just cut out the spots I liked. 
One I cut out I looked at my shoes."Dang. If I don't put something over that hole it's still gonna wear out quickly".
So,I went back to the blog instructions. She suggested using a small piece of denim to cover up the hole.I had none on hand so I improvised and used a small piece of tape.Totally the same thing, right? 
Hope it doesn't bite me in the butt. 

Since I'm not craftsy I don't keep fancy things like fabric glue on hand,so I improvised again and just used a hot glue gun.Probably not the best choice, but as I said before,I'm not super patient when it comes to this sort of thing.

The final product

My  feet, fully covered. No toes exposed. 

Can you see the hot glue? Brought on by hasty gluing. 

There you have it.Ideally,I should have waited to get fabric I like but it has served its purpose! I recommend anyone who has ragged Toms to give it a go.It can't get any worse,right?